

Notepad++ and the Compare plugin offer a powerful combination for comparing large records and identifying issues. This guide will walk you through the process.

Need Help Comparing Two Text Files

I need help comparing the differences between two large txt. files that contains over 20k lines. They're basically a game's string files and an old volunteered ...

Comparing and editing files

Compare the two files, select View | Diff Context | 0 Lines and you will see only the lines that are different. Click in the side you want to copy, select all ...

Compare 2 files using Command Line (CMD)

The new ComparePlus plugin can start comparison from the command line. The command to do so is: notepad++ -pluginMessage=compare new_file.txt old_file.txt

How to compare two files in Notepad++

There is the Compare plugin. You can install it via Plugins -> Plugins Admin... (or Plugins -> Plugins Manager in older versions of Notepad++) in the top menu.

Find difference in files but with a filter

I would like to compare two files but add a filter to it, so that all differences except those matching a given pattern shows up.

Notepad++ Compare two files and remove

The Compare plugin merely highlights the differences between two files, but offers no tools to make selections or edits based on its results.

How to Compare Two Files in Notepad++ - How

Step 1. Ensure Notepad++ Has Plugins Admin · Step 2. Install the Compare Plugin Using Plugins Admin · Step 3. Compare Two Files in Notepad++.

How to Make Notepad++ Compare Two Files With a Plugin

Open the two files you want to compare in Notepad++. To compare the two files, go to the Plugins menu, open Compare, and then select Compare.

Essential Guide

To make Notepad++ compare 2 files, you can click on the File option on the top menu and select Open. Then select the 2 files you want to compare.


Notepad++andtheComparepluginofferapowerfulcombinationforcomparinglargerecordsandidentifyingissues.Thisguidewillwalkyouthroughtheprocess.,Ineedhelpcomparingthedifferencesbetweentwolargetxt.filesthatcontainsover20klines.They'rebasicallyagame'sstringfilesandanoldvolunteered ...,Comparethetwofiles,selectView|DiffContext|0Linesandyouwillseeonlythelinesthataredifferent.Clickinthesideyouwanttocopy,se...